Cat’s eye stone, also known as Vaidurya or Lehsunia, is a stone that is known for its uniqueness and beauty. Due to a phenomenon known as the Chatoyancy, a slit is formed on the surface of this gem. Because of this, the gem looks exactly like the eye of a cat.
Astrologically, this stone is one of the Navratans and so is believed to be a very powerful gemstone. It has many metaphysical properties that help the person be more confident and optimistic.
In this blog, we will talk more about the cat’s eye stone benefits and how its energies will transform your life.
Cat’s Eye Stone Benefits
According to Vedic astrology, the Vaiduryam stone is a Navratan and is ruled by the planet Ketu. Ketu is a shadow planet known for its extreme effects. Ketu can affect your life severely, and if it is in a negative position in your birth chart then it can cause much trouble in your life. So, if the Ketu planet is in an unfavorable position in your birth chart or Kundli, then you should wear an original cat’s eye gemstone. The gem will bring you the blessings of Ketu along with many powers. Know all the benefits of wearing a cat’s eye stone here:
Spiritual Awakening – This beautiful gem is a very spiritual gemstone that is known to connect the person who wears it to the divine powers. It is also a very positive and protective stone as it guards the wearer against negative energies. It will shield you from evil energies, dangers, harm, bad omens, and negative influences of others.
Enhances Intuition – Lehsunia stone enhances the intuition powers or insightfulness of the individual. It will guide you and help you make better decisions, choose the right path, and take advantage of the favorable opportunities coming your way.
Gives Stability – The stone will restore balance in your life. If you feel like your life is not going where you want or you are facing many external forces creating turbulence, then you should wear a natural Vaidurya stone. It will bring balance, inner peace, calmness and patience to you.
Financial Prosperity – the gem energies will also attract wealth and success into your life. It will bring you confidence and enhance your communication skills. It will also give you clarity and improve your judgment. This will help you improve your financial situation.
Removes Past Sins – This Ketu stone will also remove any past karmic sins of yours. Anything you might have done in the past, somehow it will get balanced and you will be relieved of the bad Karma.
Healing Powers of Lehsunia Stone
The cat eye stone will heal you physically and help to maintain the overall well-being of the wearer:
It will boost the immune system of the wearer.
- Remove the toxic substances from the body, detoxify and purify.
- Cure any skin-related problems and nourish the skin.
- It will keep your digestive system better.
- Will treat any ailments related to the intestine.
- The gem will maintain the function of the liver.
Cat’s eye or Lehsuniya can change your life as it can enhance your intuition’s powers, bring you mental clarity and guide you in the right direction. This stone is a powerbomb that heals the person emotionally and physically. It also connects the wearer to the divine powers.
If you want to buy an original stone, then purchase it from a reputable source like Navratan, the online gem bazaar. Here you will get the best Cat’s Eye Stone price, plus all the gems are provided with lab-certification. The Lehsunia stone price ranges between INR 500 to INR 3,00,000.